Poverty Mindset Certification Course

Understand & Empower the Mindset Caused by the Trauma of Poverty

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The Poverty Mindset Certificate Course is for individuals and organizations (schools, prisons, youth clubs, shelters, churches, group homes, juvenile care, etc) that serve low-income, marginalized or under-served communities. Participants are guided through an original model and approach for the transformation of poverty delivered in an easy-to-learn design ready for implementation. This training is becoming popular as a district-wide initiative. It allows for congruent professional development done with the convenience of online access at a pace and time that work best for the participant.

Your Instructor

Poverty Mindset Research Institute
Poverty Mindset Research Institute

The Poverty Mindset Research Institute was developed to provide the latest data, tools, assessments, ideas and practical strategies to understand, address and ultimately end generational/ cyclical poverty.

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